The UTM (Unified Threat Management) has been initialized since 2004 which integrates virus spam, IDS/IPS, content filtering, firewall and VPN mechanisms into one system. However, the new wave of attacks are continually coming from hackers. This results in heavy loading on computing because more complex tasks are required to make pattern comparison and packet validation. In order to enhance the efficiency of the UTM, Axiomtek implemented the "multiple cores of processor" technology to truly fulfill the requirements of performance-intensive network security applications. Additionally, the solution also includes powerful enclosure management capability of Intel® AMT (Active Management Technology) and SNMP. The microcode with development kit is available as well for application program porting.
Cost Reduction
Axiomtek's UTM network appliance platform solution replaces multiple devices and acts as a router, gateway, firewall hardware, VPN endpoint, multi-function mail and web content scanner/filter and more. It provides IT administrators with a simple method of controlling associated devices and activities and saves purchase and management costs and rack space. With various form factor designs, Axiomtek provides a diverse UTM network appliance platform in almost any range of cost.
To have a highly efficient UTM solution, Axiomtek's security network appliance platforms make use of dual-core processors and PCIe LAN for larger improvements.
Reducing Network Deployment Complications
In the past, IT administrators needed to deploy many device boxes while they built up the security infrastructure. The efforts put into setup and configuration are huge. Axiomtek's UTM network appliance platform solutions are equipped with x86 infrastructure supporting the mainstream processors and chipsets in hardware to provide IT administrators quick and convenient management.
Easy Maintenance
With the GUI interface, IT administrators can easily maintain and manage without the risk of using cross platforms. Axiomtek provides a stable hardware platform while implementing the management capability of platforms with substantial features of LAN by-pass function,SMbus EEPROM, LED programmable, firmware reset and more.
Unified Threat Management